Terms and conditions

What data we collect about you?

Data collected automatically:

During your visit to our website, we automatically collect data concerning
your visit, such as your IP address, domain name, browser’s type, version of
operating system, etc.

Data collected when you contact us:

When you contact us through our website, email, etc. you provide us with
personal information, such as your name, email address, etc.

How do we use your information?

We will not sell the data collected about you to third parties.

Data collected in the course of correspondence between you and our service
will be used solely to respond to your inquiry and to prepare the best offer
for you.

Data collected automatically can be used to analyse user behaviour on our
website, to collect demographic data about our users, or to personalize the
content of our web pages. These data are collected automatically for each

In the case of control of the General Inspectorate for Personal Data
Protection, your data may be made ​​available to employees of the
Inspectorate in accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection

In case of violation of the Rules of our service, violation of law, or if
required by law, we may disclose your information to the judicial

How we will contact you?

If you asked us a question we may contact you via email, phone, post in
order to answer it and to prepare the best offer for you.

How can you inform us about the change of data?

If you changed the data by the means of which we have contacted you, by
filling out the form on the page you can provide us with new data to contact

The use of cookies:

Our website may use cookies to identify your browser when you use our
website, so that we know which page to display. Cookies do not contain any
personal data.

Changes to our privacy policy:

We reserve the right to amend this privacy policy by posting the new privacy
policy on this page.


The company collecting data: TopGuitar Musicians Magazine, Skrytka pocztowa 83,
81-660 Gdynia 5, POLAND
If you have additional questions about privacy protection, please contact us
using the contact form.